HTML Editors

Arachnophilia is a successor to WebThing, a popular HTML editor. This robust application can import and automatically convert RTF documents, tables, and outlines from any Windows 95-compliant application to HTML. It also supports up to six Web browsers, CGI, frames, Perl, C++, Java, and JavaScript development. Other features include a built-in, intelligent FTP client; automatic uploading of changed files; user-defined templates; user-customizable toolbars for quick access to frequently used tags; global search and replace; and a multiple-document interface with full drag-and-drop capabilities. In addition, Arachnophilia includes built-in tutorials on HTML development, JavaScript, frames, and the Internet.

File Size: 1.6 MB Requirements: Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP
To download, Click Here.


RCEdit is a full-featured freeware HTML editor with a Homesite-like interface (toolbars on top, directory/file panel left, coding/browser preview window right). It's designed for more-advanced users but provides a host of helpful wizards for less-experienced Web authors. The wizards cover images, links, scripts, and tables. Other tools and features include tabbing of multiple open files, extended find/replace, hexadecimal color conversion, tag stripping, special characters palette, the ability to create a template from the current file, and more. I especially liked the quick-access link buttons to three frequently used Windows components -- Notepad, Calculator, and Windows Explorer. With its well-laid-out interface, helpful wizards, comprehensive documentation, and other handy functions, RCEdit should appeal to both newer and more-accomplished HTML coders.

File Size: 4.1 MB Requirements: Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP
To download, Click Here.

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